Vocab Builder: GRE | CAT | GMAT | SAT | TOEFL | IELTS
Your Daily Words (Day-2)
placate = appease, to soothe
use = Outraged minority groups will not be placated by promises of future improvements
perturbation = agitation, disturbance
use = Perturbations in the orbit of the planet Uranus led to the discovery of Neptune
considered = well thought out, contemplated
use = It is my considered opinion
scenario = plot outline, screenplay
use = There are several possible scenarios
inevitable = Unavoidable, predestined
use = an inevitable war
hydrophobia = fear of water
use = *
apprehend = arrest
use = police apprehended the thief
indemnity = insurance, compensate against loss
use = city will indemnify all home owners
facility = skill, aptitude, ease in doing something
use = His facility for languages is astounding
malevolent = causing evil or harm to others
use = I could feel his malevolent gaze
upshot = result
use = The upshot of the discussions is that
incite = foment, provoke
use = he incited racial hatred
balm = soothing ointment, soothing, healing influence
use = a new skin balm
babble = to talk foolishly or murmur
use = he was just babbling
rebuke = criticize
use = He received a stern rebuke from the manager
parable = allegory
use = the wise man told parables
anthrax = disease
use = anthrax virus
becoming = proper
use = That's a most becoming dress
aggrieved = unjustly injured
use = He felt aggrieved at not being chosen for the team
dissolution = disintegration
use = the assembly was dissolved
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