Vocab Builder: GRE | CAT | GMAT | SAT | TOEFL | IELTS
Your Daily Words (Day-1)
catalyst = something that causes change without being changed
use = a catalyst for change
arsenal = ammunition store house
use = The army planned to attack enemy arsenals
indiscreet = Lacking wise judgment
use = In an indiscreet moment
giddy = dizzy
use = feeling giddy
dubious = Doubtful
use = dubious means
inviolate = sacred
use = For centuries the tomb lay inviolate
mesmerize = To hypnotize
use = I was completely mesmerized by the performance
negation = denial
use = negation of evidence
recuperation = recovery
use = he fell from the horse and the recuperation took three months
elegant = refined, exquisite
use = a very elegant suit
compensate = make up for, to repay or reimburse
use = Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries
augment = increase, expand, extend
use = He would have to find work to augment his income
pending = not decided
use = The pending decision
physique = frame, musculature
use = a very powerful, muscular physique
agitate = stir up
use = they continued to agitate for social rights
illicit = Unlawful, illegal
use = illicit liquor
monologue = dramatic speech performed by one actor
use = *
pyrotechnics = fireworks
use = pyrotechnics show on the Independence Day
draconian = harsh
use = draconian laws
evasive = elusive
use = evasive replies
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