impoverish = To make indigent or poor
use = Excessive farming had impoverished the soil
perishable = decomposable
use = perishable food
pulp = paste, mush
use = Mash the bananas to a pulp
ample = enough, specious, abundant
use = there is ample space for all
inborn = innate
use = an inborn tendency
rapidity = speed
use = *
implication = that which is implied or suggested
use = implications of your remark
lustrous = Shining
use = long lustrous hair
abacus = counting device
use = abacus was used for counting
tonal = pertaining to sound
use = *
unimpeachable = beyond question
use = a man of unimpeachable integrity and character
belabor = to assail verbally, to insist repeatedly or harp on
use = belabor a point
listless = lacking spirit or interest
use = The illness left him listless
catalyst = something that causes change without being changed
use = a catalyst for change
arsenal = ammunition store house
use = The army planned to attack enemy arsenals
indiscreet = Lacking wise judgment
use = In an indiscreet moment
giddy = dizzy
use = feeling giddy
dubious = Doubtful
use = dubious means
inviolate = sacred
use = For centuries the tomb lay inviolate
mesmerize = To hypnotize
use = I was completely mesmerized by the performance
negation = denial
use = negation of evidence
recuperation = recovery
use = he fell from the horse and the recuperation took three months
elegant = refined, exquisite
use = a very elegant suit
compensate = make up for, to repay or reimburse
use = Victims of the crash will be compensated for their injuries
augment = increase, expand, extend
use = He would have to find work to augment his income
pending = not decided
use = The pending decision
physique = frame, musculature
use = a very powerful, muscular physique
agitate = stir up
use = they continued to agitate for social rights
illicit = Unlawful, illegal
use = illicit liquor
monologue = dramatic speech performed by one actor
use = *
pyrotechnics = fireworks
use = pyrotechnics show on the Independence Day
draconian = harsh
use = draconian laws
evasive = elusive
use = evasive replies
unfaltering = steadfast
use = *
penury = extreme poverty
use = the painter lived in penury
psyche = soul, mind
use = the psyche of people
herbivorous = feeding on plants
use = a herbivorous dinosaur
vicious = evil
use = a vicious dog
proportionate = commensurate
use = Weight is proportional to size
prevailing = common, current
use = the prevailing attitude
hypocritical = deceiving , two-faced
use = Their accusations of corruption are hypocritical - they have been just as corrupt themselves
tract = pamphlet, a region of indefinite size
use = *
auxiliary = secondary, supplementary, reserve
use = an auxiliary nurse
amputate = To remove by cutting, as a limb
use = his leg had to be amputated
torso = trunk of statue with head and limbs missing, human trunk
use = *
incidental = insignificant, minor
use = incidental details
layman = nonprofessional
use = in layman's terms
consummate = perfect, having great skills, complete, accomplished
use = a consummate professional
confiscate = seize, to appropriate
use = the government confiscated the criminal's property
blunder = a mistake
use = it was a big blunder
magnanimous = generous, kindhearted
use = the manager was magnanimous in victory, and praised the losing team
employ = use
use = statistical analysis was employed to obtain these results
legacy = A bequest
use = The war left a legacy of hatred
accomplice = one who aids a lawbreaker
use = the accomplice was also sentenced to jail
lagoon = a small lake, pond, basin
use = we swam in the lagoon
breadth = width
use = *
cyclone = storm
use = *
niche = nook, best position for something
use = make a niche for himself
severity = harshness
use = *
fabricate = construct
use = he fabricated an excuse to avoid trouble
clandestine = secret
use = clandestine activities
stint = limit, assignment
use = He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service
derogatory = degrading
use = derogatory comment
benevolent = kind
use = a benevolent action
decipher = decode
use = to decipher someone's handwriting
effeminate = unmanly
use = An effeminate man entered the room
counterstrike = strike back
use = *
acclaim = recognition, fame, praise
use = an acclaimed author
amid = among
use = amid mounds of books
lethargy = indifferent, inactivity
use = *
retiring = modest, unassuming
use = to be shy and retiring
nomenclature = terms used in a particular science or discipline
use = nomenclature of organic chemicals
accredit = authorize
use = accredited organization
charisma = a natural power which some people have to influence or attract people
use = a charismatic leader
polyglot = Speaking several tongues
use = a polyglot, he spoke 4 languages
compelling = convincing
use = compel someone to do something
literal = word for word
use = The literal meaning
fluctuate = waver, vary
use = Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season
clan = extended family
use = the whole clan came to visit us
iterate = repeat, reiterate
use = I will iterate the warning
optician = One who makes eye-glasses
use = *
rhetoric = persuasive use of language
use = election campaign rhetoric
deter = discourage, prevent from happening
use = the security alarm will deter thieves from coming to this park
industry = business or trade, energy
use = *
inconceivable = unthinkable
use = It would be inconceivable for her to change her mind.
abduct = kidnap
use = abducted from his car
gregarious = sociable, outgoing
use = a gregarious person
swindler = cheat
use = the swindler was jailed
fabricated = constructed, invented
use = a fabricated story
lewd = sexual in an obvious and rude way
use = a lewd suggestion
culminate = climax
use = Their many years of research have finally culminated in a cure for the disease
tribute = a gift or statement showing respect
use = Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world
ancillary = supplementary, subsidiary, subordinate
use = ancillary unit
arduous = extremely difficult, hard
use = an arduous journey
sedate = calm and relaxed
use = The speed limit in many areas is a sedate 60 kph
willful = deliberate
use = years of willful neglect by the council
ambidextrous = able to use both hands equally well
use = an ambidextrous painter
centigrade = a unit of measuring temperature
use = *
rehabilitate = To restore to a former status
use = try to rehabilitate prisoners
extent = scope
use = the extent of his injuries
collateral = securities for a debt, or accompanying
use = She used her house as collateral for a loan
reform = Change for the better
use = who will reform India's obsolete laws
stealth = secrecy, covertness
use = These thieves operate with stealth
exorbitant = expensive, greater than reasonable
use = exorbitant prices
contentious = argumentative, quarrelsome, disagreeable, belligerent
use = a contentious decision
furor = commotion
use = the furor over his last film
gait = manner of walking
use = He walked with a slow stiff gait
jovial = Merry
use = He seemed a very jovial chap
novel = new, unique
use = a novel idea
exchequer = government department in charge of the revenues
use = *
felicitous = very appropriate, pertinent
use = He summed up the achievements in one or two felicitous phrases
introspective = looking within oneself
use = introspective songs
nuance = shade of meaning, subtlety
use = Linguists explore the nuances of language
tolerance = capacity to respect different values
use = religious tolerance
degrade = demean
use = don't degrade woman
colloquial = informal speech
use = colloquial speech
elusive = evasive
use = Success, however, remained elusive for her
livid = enraged, reddened with anger
use = He was livid when he found out
placate = appease, to soothe
use = Outraged minority groups will not be placated by promises of future improvements
perturbation = agitation, disturbance
use = Perturbations in the orbit of the planet Uranus led to the discovery of Neptune
considered = well thought out, contemplated
use = It is my considered opinion
scenario = plot outline, screenplay
use = There are several possible scenarios
inevitable = Unavoidable, predestined
use = an inevitable war
hydrophobia = fear of water
use = *
apprehend = arrest
use = police apprehended the thief
indemnity = insurance, compensate against loss
use = city will indemnify all home owners
facility = skill, aptitude, ease in doing something
use = His facility for languages is astounding
malevolent = causing evil or harm to others
use = I could feel his malevolent gaze
upshot = result
use = The upshot of the discussions is that
incite = foment, provoke
use = he incited racial hatred
balm = soothing ointment, soothing, healing influence
use = a new skin balm
babble = to talk foolishly or murmur
use = he was just babbling
rebuke = criticize
use = He received a stern rebuke from the manager
parable = allegory
use = the wise man told parables
anthrax = disease
use = anthrax virus
becoming = proper
use = That's a most becoming dress
aggrieved = unjustly injured
use = He felt aggrieved at not being chosen for the team
dissolution = disintegration
use = the assembly was dissolved
correlation = mutual relationship, association
use = There's a high correlation between smoking and lung cancer
annex = to attach
use = turn left to go to the annex
nuisance = annoyance
use = power failure was a real nuisance
hygienic = sanitary, clean
use = It is not hygienic
hypothetical = theoretical, speculative
use = a hypothetical example
court-martial = military trial
use = he had to face a court-martial for disobeying the commanding officer
circuitous = roundabout
use = a circuitous route
squander = waste
use = They'll quite happily squander a whole year's savings on two-week vacation
incorporate = combine
use = This aircraft incorporates several new safety features
chronic = continual
use = a chronic disease
jurisprudence = philosophy of law
use = a student of jurisprudence
brochure = a pamphlet
use = a product brochure
avail = assistance
use = Employees should avail themselves of the opportunity
habitat = dwelling place
use = destruction of wildlife habitat
tabulate = arrange
use = *
submit = yield
use = We protested about the changes, but in the end we had to submit
parrot = mimic
use = she just parrots anything that her mom says
symptomatic = indicative
use = symptomatic of low self-esteem
indisputable = not disputed, unquestioned
use = One fact is indisputable
homage = respect
use = to pay homage
warrant = justification
use = it did not warrant such severe punishment
paraphernalia = equipment
use = cricket paraphernalia